MACST to award $90,000 in Scholarships in 2025

The Mifflinburg Area Community Scholarship Trust will award $90,000 in scholarships in 2025. The Class of 2025 will be receiving seventy thousand dollars. An additional twenty thousand dollars will be awarded to collegiate students that graduated from the Mifflinburg Area School District within the past five years.

These scholarships are available to any Mifflinburg senior that is planning to attend an accredited two-year or four-year institution or trade school within the next six years. Senior scholarship applications are due by April 15. The exceptions are the Steese application which is due to Mrs. Dressler on March 20 and the Evans Application on April 23. Senior applications must be returned to the High School guidance office or mailed to Mike Miller by April 15. The collegiate scholarship applications plus transcripts are due to Michael Miller of Mifflinburg by June 1.

The MACST application is used for all scholarships except the Evans, Steese, and Wagner Scholarships. The Dr. and Mrs. Harold Evans Scholarship, the Tod Cleever Steese Memorial Scholarship, and the Wagner Music Scholarships have separate applications that can be found on the website. Senior winners will be announced at the Annual Senior Awards program and collegiate winners will be notified approximately July 1.

MACST Introduces Four New Perpetual Scholarships

MACST has approved four new perpetual scholarships that will be available to high school seniors in 2025 at the January Board meeting. The first two were established by the Watson Family Trust. One scholarship will be awarded to a student majoring in a field of business to include the areas of accounting, business management and related fields. The second will be awarded to a SUN Tech student continuing their studies in the automotive/transportation field.

The Mifflinburg Band Boosters Scholarship will be awarded to a member of the Mifflinburg Band that will be continuing their education. Selection criteria for this scholarship has been developed by the Boosters with approval from MACST.

The final scholarship is the Clayton Gessner Memorial Scholarship. It will be awarded to a student athlete who is accepting and friendly, outgoing with a love of music that does not need to be in the band or choir.

Mifflinburg Seniors can apply for these scholarships and many others by completing the MACST application available from the guidance office for at

Mifflinburg Collegians Receive Scholarships

The Mifflinburg Area Community Scholarship Trust has awarded $22,500 in scholarships to graduates of the Mifflinburg Area School District who are currently attending college.

The recipients of this year’s scholarships are as follows: Representing the Mifflinburg Class of 2021 are John Darrup, Cade Dressler, and Abigail Greb. Both John and Abigail are attending the Pennsylvania State University while Cade is attending Virginia Commonwealth University.

Representing the Mifflinburg Class or 2022 are graduates Hannah Fee – High Point University, Claire Hayes – Bucknell University, Kassidy Reedy – Misericordia University, Emily Seebold – Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Gabriel Stettler – Millersville University, and Sean Witmer – Commonwealth University – Bloomsburg campus. Jadyn Rothermel – Penn State University was awarded a Griffith Family Scholarship.

Mary Walter, a 2023 graduate is attending the Pennsylvania State University and was awarded one of the collegiate scholarships from MACST.

Applicants must have completed at least one year of college or a trade school with a GPA greater than 3.0 and have at least one semester of college and/or graduate school remaining before they earn their degree. Individuals can apply up to five years after graduation from Mifflinburg but can only be awarded a collegiate scholarship once. The total value of $83,000 in scholarships was awarded to collegians and members of the Class of 2024 by M.A.C.S.T. Inc. in 2024.

2024 M.A.C.S.T. Scholarships Awarded at Senior Awards Program

Mifflinburg – The Mifflinburg Area Community Scholarship Trust, Inc. awarded scholarships totaling $60,500 to Mifflinburg Area High School seniors. Twenty-one  students received scholarships during the Annual Senior Awards program.

The Valedictorian Scholarship was awarded to Mackenzie Vasbinder and the Salutatorian Scholarship was presented to Lydia DeFacis.

Two new perpetual scholarships were introduced this year. The first is in memory of Joslyn Flickenger, a Mifflinburg student who died in an accident this past year. The Joslyn Flickenger Memorial scholarship must go to a female athlete and was awarded to Lilee Dorman. The second new scholarship is the 4-year MACST Scholarship awarded for the best overall application regardless of GPA. This year’s winner was Mackenzie Vasbinder.

The Beckley Family provided funds for two one-time scholarships. The Beckley Family Field Hockey scholarship went to Lilee Dorman and the Beckley Family Softball scholarship was presented to Chelsea Miller.

The perpetual scholarships with criteria designated by the sponsors were as follows: Samantha Weaver – George Burman Pennsylvania School of Technology Scholarship, Eli Erickson – the Christkindl Market Community Service Scholarship, Garrett N. Franck – the Kermit W. & Mary E. Dale & Sons Environmental Conservation Award, Garrett N. Franck, Rhys Klingler, and Chelsea Miller – the Mifflinburg FFA Recognition Scholarships, Bryant Groff – the H. Richard Ward, M.D. & Devin Ward Scholarship for medicine and/or the preforming arts, Lydia DeFacis – the Charles “Skeet” Reidell Scholarship for demonstrating excellence in athletics, academics, and leadership on and off the field, and Emma Hyder – the Wagner Music Scholarship.

The Mifflinburg Hose Company selected the winner of the Tod “Cleever” Steese Scholarship. The recipient must have played basketball, baseball, or football and demonstrated leadership qualities. This year’s recipient was Zeb Hufnagle.

Mackenzie Vasbinder was the recipient of the Griffith Family Scholarship that is presented to a student entering a medical field of study. Two Rhoda K. Reidell-Fasano Scholarships were also presented. Laine Martin received one for a student entering the field of education and Mackenzie Vasbinder for a student entering the field of science or medicine.

Four students who are pursuing medical careers and completed a specialized application were awarded the Harold and Helen Evans Memorial Scholarships. The honorees were Zeb Hufnagle, Natalie Miles, Kaylee Swartzlander, and Samantha Weaver.

Twelve members of the Mifflinburg Area High School Class of 2024 received M.A.C.S.T. scholarships. Seniors receiving these were: Cailynn Blannard, Lydia DeFacis, Troy Dressler, Garret N. Franck, Sarah Fritz, Bryant Groff, Emma Hyder, Annika Klinefelter, Laine Martin, Connor Neece, Logan Smith, and Declan White.

Community Savings Challenge

The Mifflinburg Area Community Scholarship Trust is partnering with Service 1st Federal Credit Union for their 2024 Community Savings Challenge. Service 1st wants to help people establish healthy financial habits. The goal is to help individuals save a combined $2 million by May 31. They’ve partnered with a number of local organizations to help raise awareness. At the end of the Challenge, the charities involved will share in a $10,000 donation.

For more information, or to schedule your financial checkup today, visit

MACST partners with Raise the Region

The Mifflinburg Area Community Scholarship Trust will again be participating in the Raise the Region Campaign. The thirty-hour event will be held from 6:00 PM March 13 to 11:59 PM March 14, 2024. The First Community Foundation Partnership of Pennsylvania hosts Raise the Region. Its goal is to increase funding of nonprofits in north central Pennsylvania. Stretch funds to encourage giving are provided by the Blaize Alexander Family Dealerships. MACST encourages you to donate during Raise the Region and help us provide scholarships to Mifflinburg Graduates. All donations will be used to provide scholarships this year. For more information go to

New Scholarships Offered by MACST for 2024

A new perpetual scholarship was approved at the regularly scheduled January Board of Directors meeting. The Joslyn Flickinger Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to a female athlete with additional input from the Flickinger Family. Two new one-time scholarships will be awarded this year. They are The Beckley Scholarships. One will be awarded for field hockey and the second will be awarded for softball. Applicants must have competed in the sport for two years, and exemplified Academic proficiency, Passion and Dedication for the sport, Good Character, Integrity and Attitude, Leadership qualities, Respect for the game, teammates, and opponents. Recipients will be selected by the Beckey Family with coaching staff input.

A new MACST 4-year Scholarship will be awarded this year. It will be awarded to the best application. The award will not be based on GPA or Class rank. The scholarship will automatically be given to the winner for four consecutive years as long as the recipient completes a data sheet each year.

MACST Plans to Award $80,000 in Scholarships in 2024

The Mifflinburg Area Community Scholarship Trust will be awarding $80,000 in scholarships this year. Sixty thousand dollars will be awarded to members of the Class of 2024. An additional twenty thousand dollars will be awarded to collegiate students that graduated from the Mifflinburg Area School District.

Any Mifflinburg senior that is planning to attend an accredited two-year or four-year institution or trade school is encouraged to apply. With the exception of the Steese and Evans Applications, all senior applications must be returned to the High School guidance office or mailed to Mike Miller by April 15, 2024. Collegiate scholarship applications and transcripts are due to Michael Miller of Mifflinburg by June 1.

Applications are available on this website under the dropdown Tab Forms. The Excel applications may be completed on the computer or as a pencil copy. Directions for completion and qualifications are found at the beginning of the applications. The Evans and Steese Scholarships require a separate application which can be obtained under the Forms Tab or from the guidance office or Mrs. Dressler respectively. Senior winners will be announced at the Annual Senior Awards program and collegiate winners will be notified approximately July 1.

$22,500 Awarded in Collegiate Scholarships

The Mifflinburg Area Community Scholarship Trust awarded $22,500 in scholarships to graduates of the Mifflinburg Area School District who are currently attending college. Applicants must have completed at least one year of college or a trade school with a GPA greater than 3.0. They also must have at least one semester of college and/or graduate school remaining before they earn their degree.

The George Burman Family scholarship was awarded to Jenna Haines this year. The scholarship is presented to a Mifflinburg student attending the Pennsylvania College of Technology.

The remainder of this year’s $2,000 collegiate scholarship winners are as follows: Representing the Mifflinburg Class of 2020 was Cara Snook who is attending Lebanon Valley College.

There were six scholarship winners from the Class of 2021 were: Olivia Erickson – Millersville University, Lewis (Tre) Fike III – Pennsylvania College of Technology, Camille Finerghty – Lock Haven University, Thomas Wagner – Commonwealth University of PA – Mansfield, Jacob Young – Pennsylvania State University, and Madison Zimmerman – Ursinus College.

Three members from the Class of 2022 were also awarded scholarships. They were Kristi Benfield – Pennsylvania Western University – Clarion, Ethan Dreese – Bucknell University, and Kira Hackenberg – Pennsylvania State University.

Congratulations to all of this year’s winners of the MACST Collegiate Scholarships.

$53,500 Awarded to High School Seniors

Mifflinburg – The Mifflinburg Area Community Scholarship Trust, Inc. recently provided $53,500 in scholarships to Mifflinburg Area High School seniors.  Twenty-four students were awarded scholarships during the Annual Senior Awards program. An additional $22,500 will be awarded in July to Mifflinburg graduates who are currently attending college.

This year the $4,000 Valedictorian Scholarship was awarded to Maria Darrup and the $3,000 Salutatorian Scholarship was presented to Payton Derr.

Two new perpetual scholarships were presented this year. The Tod “Cleever” Steese was presented to Zac Kerstetter by the Mifflinburg Hose Company. This award is in memory of Steese who was active with the Hose Company and a supporter of Mifflinburg sports. The second new scholarship is the Wagner Music Scholarship that was awarded to Cassidy McClintock. The scholarship honors retired band director Matthew Wagner and choral director Patricia Wagner.

M.A.C.S.T. provides specialized perpetual scholarships with criteria designated by the founding sponsors. The winners of these scholarships were:  Katrina Bennage – the Christkindl Market Community Service Scholarship, Natalie Harvey – the Kermit W. & Mary E. Dale & Sons Environmental Conservation Award, Mary Walter – the Mifflinburg FFA Recognition Scholarship, Emmanuel Ulrich – the Robert L. Manotti, Sr. Wrestling Scholarship, Maria Darrup – the H. Richard Ward, MD & Devin Ward Scholarship for medicine and/or preforming arts, and Ella Shuck – the Charles “Skeet” Reidell Scholarship for demonstrating excellence in athletics, academics, and leadership on and off the field.

Evelyn Osborne and Mason W. Smith were the recipients of the Griffith Family Scholarships that are presented to students entering a medical field of study.  Mary Walter earned the Spangler/Turner Family Penn State Scholarship that is presented to a student entering the field of agriculture, engineering or science at PSU.  Two Rhoda K. Reidell-Fasano Scholarships were also presented. Mary Walter received one for a student entering the field of education and Maria Darrup for a student entering the fields of science or medicine.

Five students who are pursuing medical careers and completed a specialized application were awarded the Harold and Helen Evans Memorial Scholarship.  The honorees were Katrina Bennage, Maria Darrup, Mason W. Smith, Owen Snook, and Kiley Wagner.

Fourteen members of the Mifflinburg Area High School Class of 2023 received M.A.C.S.T. scholarships.  Seniors receiving these were Marissa Allen, Taylor Beachy, Katrina Bennage, Matthew Blake, Ethan Bomgardner, Carter Breed, Payton Derr, Natalie Harvey, Delany Kraus, Lucas R. Kurtz, Jarret Miller, Hope Swarey, Brady Wolheiter, and Tanner Zimmerman.