MACST to award $90,000 in Scholarships in 2025

The Mifflinburg Area Community Scholarship Trust will award $90,000 in scholarships in 2025. The Class of 2025 will be receiving seventy thousand dollars. An additional twenty thousand dollars will be awarded to collegiate students that graduated from the Mifflinburg Area School District within the past five years.

These scholarships are available to any Mifflinburg senior that is planning to attend an accredited two-year or four-year institution or trade school within the next six years. Senior scholarship applications are due by April 15. The exceptions are the Steese application which is due to Mrs. Dressler on March 20 and the Evans Application on April 23. Senior applications must be returned to the High School guidance office or mailed to Mike Miller by April 15. The collegiate scholarship applications plus transcripts are due to Michael Miller of Mifflinburg by June 1.

The MACST application is used for all scholarships except the Evans, Steese, and Wagner Scholarships. The Dr. and Mrs. Harold Evans Scholarship, the Tod Cleever Steese Memorial Scholarship, and the Wagner Music Scholarships have separate applications that can be found on the website. Senior winners will be announced at the Annual Senior Awards program and collegiate winners will be notified approximately July 1.